Sigma Huntress Women

from where you are - crossing to - where you want to Be.

We Exist To Support Women in Creating Bold Moves
To Be Paid Their Worth - In A Society That Devalues and Underpays Women




00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Your Challenge Begins
February 22, 2021...
Save Your Place Today!

Attn: Fearless Woman
Watch the "The Adventure Begins" Video Below to Discover...
 ...How To Remove The Arrows Of
Twisted Words From Your Heart 
To Begin Creating 
The Life You Want
& Desire...
.... Even IF You're Unsure Where The Next Step Is - Ahead of You!

I'm Ready To Make Me A Priority!

Watch the "The Adventure Begins" Video Below to Discover...

 ...How To Drastically Take a Leap of Faith
To Begin Creating The Life You Want & Desire...
....Even IF You're Unsure The Parachute Will Open

{  except, You Have A Deep Knowing- it will... }

It's Time To Make Your Life Priority

Is this Full Emerge Program For You...

... does one or more of these below, resonate with you...?

➺ Putting others in front of yourself constantly

➺  Perfectionism

➺ Always waiting for the other shoe to fall

➺ Overthinking everything

➺ Needing validation from others

➺ You can't even trust yourself

➺ Fear of truthful expression

➺ Avoidance of Deep Relationships

➺ Social media scrolling has absorbed most of your time

➺ Easily distracted on trivial things

➺ Second guessing your own decisions

➺ Loneliness

➺ Always on Guard

➺ Serious anxiety 

➺ You feel guilty for needing alone time

➺ Keeping busy

➺ Unable to sleep soundly and be able to recall dreams

➺ Lack of eye contact

➺ Not wanting to be touched; when this is your love language

➺ Not letting other people do things for you

➺ Nightmares / Flashbacks

➺ Desiring to leave healthy relationships since they are foreign for you

➺ Suffering in silence, without anyone to talk to

➺ Lack of confidence

➺ Have trouble saying "no" and sticking to the decision

➺ Blaming yourself or thinking everyone blames you

➺ Feeling suspicious when someone is kind to you

➺ Blaming yourself or thinking everyone blames you

➺ Memory fog from so much stress

➺ You feel alone with no privacy; smothered

➺ Always saying sorry

➺ Unable to enjoy the "quiet time" 

➺ Constantly putting yourself down 

➺ You don't celebrate your wins 

➺ Suffering in silence, without anyone to talk to

➺ Ignoring your feelings &  needs; to keep the peace

It's Time To Make YOU A Priority

Q & A... 

... extra details

♕ This experience is only for women? 

Right now, YES. Inside this consulting is for only for women.

Designed for women on one simple foundation, and created for the growth of their businesses comes with a unique set of challenges to overcome that quite frankly while there are universal false beliefs to break thru, men truly don't face the "same" obstacles.

Our team has a combined exeprience of over 27+ years in this lifestyle, and at the starting line, this transformation could bring up situations or experiences that are bit more "inner-core" that with a combined group there may be some hesitation of being just who you are, therefore; while women begin their initial stage of transformation, combining both men and women together, isn't the direction our company in the individuals we serve. 

♕ Do you suggest a men's group? 

Why yes, of course! There are presently challenges going on for men depending on what you're looking on achieving inside your world. 

Contact us at:

to provide this information to you. Oh, and No, our team isn't open 
to having some bizarre "pick-up date" so please save those emails & we don't need images either. Thanks! 

♕ Is there a physical requirement? 

Based on the current world changes, there isn't a physical gathering yet to be on the calendar. When there is, our internal tribe along with the members of the challenge will be the first to be notified. 

♕What should I expect? 

The entire 28 days is an online course, so as long as you are connected to WIFI, you're able to participate for the entire time. 

Some of the work will be extremely easy for you, while other places- 

could be a challenge as you're making a covenant with yourself to press through some obstacles- hence facicng your challenges in diving straight into the deep end.  : ) 

♕ Is there a guarantee?  

It's a bit bizarre that this question comes up, except it does, and it is so drastic of what this really means. 

So, let me be straight with you, the RESULTS that you want to achieve over the next 8 Weeks is going to come down to YOU putting in the steps. 

Does the 4 step process work- YES, only IF you apply it. 

♕ Any special equipment needed?  

No, not really.

Just YOU, your phone, and an email address. 

Presently, you'd be added to our waitlist
and will be the first to be notified when we begin our next era. 

To shift from where you are, to where want to be. 

♕ This experience is only for women? 

Right now, YES. Inside this consulting is for only for women.

Designed for women on one simple foundation, and created for the growth of their businesses comes with a unique set of challenges to overcome that quite frankly while there are universal false beliefs to break thru, men truly don't face the "same" obstacles.

Our team has a combined exeprience of over 27+ years in this lifestyle, and at the starting line, this transformation could bring up situations or experiences that are bit more "inner-core" that with a combined group there may be some hesitation of being just who you are, therefore; while women begin their initial stage of transformation, combining both men and women together, isn't the direction our company in the individuals we serve. 

♕ Do you suggest a men's group? 

Why yes, of course! There are presently challenges going on for men depending on what you're looking on achieving inside your world. 

Contact us at:

to provide this information to you. Oh, and No, our team isn't open 
to having some bizarre "pick-up date" so please save those emails & we don't need images either. Thanks! 

♕ Is there a physical requirement? 

Based on the current world changes, there isn't a physical gathering yet to be on the calendar. When there is, our internal tribe along with the members of the challenge will be the first to be notified. 

♕What should I expect? 

The entire 28 days is an online course, so as long as you are connected to WIFI, you're able to participate for the entire time. 

Some of the work will be extremely easy for you, while other places- 

could be a challenge as you're making a covenant with yourself to press through some obstacles- hence facicng your challenges in diving straight into the deep end.  : ) 

♕ Is there a guarantee?  

It's a bit bizarre that this question comes up, except it does, and it is so drastic of what this really means. 

So, let me be straight with you, the RESULTS that you want to achieve over the next 8 Weeks is going to come down to YOU putting in the steps. 

Does the 4 step process work- YES, only IF you apply it. 

♕ Any special equipment needed?  

No, not really.

Just YOU, your phone, and an email address. 

Presently, you'd be added to our waitlist
and will be the first to be notified when we begin our next era. 

To shift from where you are, to where want to be. 
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Copyright © 2023 •  Sigma Huntress Women
• All Rights Reserved • Sister Co. of: Alpha Warrior Women
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.